Scientific intelligence platform for AI-powered data management and workflow automation
Sample Size & Power Calculations
Calculate for a Variety of frequentist and Bayesian Design
Adaptive Design
Design and Analyze a Wide Range of Adaptive Designs
Milestone Prediction
Predict Interim Analysis Timing or Study Length
Randomization Lists
Generate and Save Lists for your Trial Design
Group Sequential and Promising Zone Designs
Calculate Boundaries & Find Sample Size. Evaluate Interim Data & Re-estimate Sample Size
Sample Size for Bayesian Statistics
Probability of Success (Assurance), Credible Intervals, Bayes Factors and more
Early Stage and Complex Designs
Sample size & operating characteristics for Phase I, II & Seamless Designs (MAMS)
Sample Size & Power Calculations
Calculate for a Variety of frequentist and Bayesian Design
Adaptive Design
Design and Analyze a Wide Range of Adaptive Designs
Milestone Prediction
Predict Interim Analysis Timing or Study Length
Randomization Lists
Generate and Save Lists for your Trial Design
Group Sequential and Promising Zone Designs
Calculate Boundaries & Find Sample Size. Evaluate Interim Data & Re-estimate Sample Size
Sample Size for Bayesian Statistics
Probability of Success (Assurance), Credible Intervals, Bayes Factors and more
Early Stage and Complex Designs
Sample size & operating characteristics for Phase I, II & Seamless Designs (MAMS)
Statsols is the company behind nQuery. nQuery is the complete trial design platform to make clinical trials faster, less costly and more successful.
For over 20 years, we have worked with biostatisticians and researchers all over the world to ensure they meet their regulatory requirements and make clinical trials as efficient and ethical as possible.
Founded in 1984, our business began as a subsidiary of Californian software company, BMDP Statistical Software Inc. As the BMDP subsidiary, we grew and developed overseas markets for BMDP and then later, through a management buy-out, formed Statsols.
In 2022, Statsols became part of Dotmatics, the world’s largest and most powerful scientific R&D software platform. Combining an open data informatics framework with best in breed applications like Statsols, we offer the first true end-to-end solutions for biology, chemistry, formulations, data management, flow cytometry, and more. Together, our company can better: connect science, data, and decision-making and ultimately drive meaningful transformation for our customers.
Our Mission
Together we can accelerate scientific innovation to make the world a healthier, cleaner, safer place to live.
Our Values
BMDP Statistical Software established its European Subsidiary.
Subsidiary becomes the independent company Statsols. nQuery Version 1.0 Developed by Janet Elashoff and Distributed by Statsols.
nQuery 2.0 - Doubled the number of tables and introduced functionality for confidence intervals, equivalence, repeated measures, crossover designs and nonparametric tests.
nQuery 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 & 6.0 - greatly expanded the plotting functionality and added tables for exact test for proportions, one-sided and TOST Equivalence tests.
nTerim 1.0 developed and released by Statsols as a companion product to nQuery to calculate sample size for group sequential designs.
nQuery and nTerim combined into one product under the direction of Statsols.
Statsols invited to FDA to present a seminar on sample size calculation to FDA statisticians and reviewers.
Further advancing the vision of making clinical trials faster, less costly and more successful through our trial design platform nQuery, by becoming part of Dotmatics.
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